ferro-aluminum 铝铁合金是对主要以铝和铁两种主要(必要)元素组成的合金的通用名称。铁和铝相融后,共同构成一个铝的浓度为35%到65%的合金。Ferro aluminum is a generic term for a whole type of alloys in which both aluminum and iron are the two main (and necessary) components. The iron and aluminum are melted together to form a ferroalloy of 35% to 65% aluminum concentration. 铝铁合金是一种强复合脱氧剂,其密度比纯铝密度大近一倍,容易进入钢水,内部烧损少,在炼钢过程中使用铝铁合金脱氧形成低熔点的产物,容易上浮的钢液表面,减少钢中的夹杂,用净化钢液的作用,提高的质量。Ferro aluminum is a strong compound deoxidizer, its density than pure aluminum density nearly doubled, easy to across to liquid steel,internal burning less in steelmaking process,In the process of Ferro aluminum steel used to form low melting point of deoxidizing products, formed to liquid steel surface, floating to reduce the inclusion of steel, Cleansing liquid steel, improve the quality of steel. |